Thayer Research Group

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Invited Talks (2008 - Present)

  • Thayer, J. P., J. Lei, X. Lui, "Thermosphere Response to CIR/HSS Events," International Symposium on Recent Observations and Simulations of the Sun-Earth System II, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 11-16, 2011
  • Thayer, J. P., J. Lei, X. Yue, and S. T. Ram, "Ionosphere and Thermosphere Variability During the Recent Solar Minimum," European Geophysical Union Meeting, Session ST3.2, Vienna, Austria, April 2011
  • Thayer, J. P., "The Global Implications and Grand Challenge of Neutral-Ion Interactions in the Polar Regions," American Geophysical Union, SA53B-04, San Francisco, CA, December 2010
  • Thayer, J. P., "CEDAR Strategic Plan," CEDAR Meeting 2010, Boulder, CO, June 2010
  • Thayer, J. P., "The Periodic Rise and Fall of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere," MIT Haystack Observatory, Buonsanto Lecture, Nov 19, 2009
  • Thayer, J. P., "Solar Wind-Thermosphere Coupling: A Newly Discovered Breathing Mode of the Upper Atmosphere," Boston University, Center for Space Physics, Invited Seminar, Feb 2009
  • Lei, J., J. P. Thayer, J. M. Forbes, "Impact of high spped solar wind streams on the thermosphere during the solar minimum of 2008," HSS-GI workshop, University of Cumbria, Ambleside, UK, 6-11 September 2009
  • Lei, J., J. P. Thayer, "Impact of high speed solar wind streams on the thermosphere/ionosphere," CEDAR Workshop, June 27-July 2, 2009, Santa Fe, NM
  • Thayer, J. P., J. Lei, J. M. Forbes, G. Crowley, M. Mlynczak, Q. Wu, "A New Solar-Terrestrial Connection: Multi-Day Oscillations in Thermosphere and Ionosphere Properties," American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2008

Conference Presentations (2008 - Present)

  • Hsu, V. W., J. T. Fentzke, C. M. G. Brum, "First Detection of Meteoric Smoke using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR)," USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 6 January 2012
  • Thayer, J. P. and J. Lei, "Impact of Solar Wind High Speed Streams on the Thermosphere," Workshop on the Causes and Consequences of the Minimum of Solar Cycle 24, Boulder, CO, May 17-19, 2011
  • Thayer, J. P., "The Altitude Distribution of Joule Energy Deposition due to Geomagnetic Activity and the Response of the Thermosphere Mass Density," 2011 CEDAR Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, June 2011
  • Thayer, J. P., and J. Lei, "Impact of Solar Wind High Speed Streams on the Thermosphere/Ionosphere," Workshop on the High Speed Streams, Boulder, CO, Sept. 2010
  • Greer, K., J. P. Thayer, V. L. Harvey, "Front-Like Formations in the Middle Atmosphere: A Precursor to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings?", CEDAR Workshop on Atmospheric Coupling During Stratospheric Sudden Warmings, CEDAR conference, Boulder, CO, 22 June 2010
  • Thayer, J. P., "CEDAR: The Integrative Aeronomy Approach," 2008 CEDAR Meeting, Midway, Utah, June 2008