The research conducted by this group involves remote sensing instrumentation development and data analysis, with science applications generally geared toward earth and space physics. Below is a list of the current projects our group is involved in.
Current Research Projects
Investigation of Baroclinic Disturbances in the Polar Wintertime Middle Atmosphere
Funding Source: NSF
Jan. 2010-Dec. 2014
Thermosphere Density Response to a Geomagnetic and Solar Forcing: A Consequence of the Unique Conditions of the Current Solar Minimum
Funding Source: NASA
Jan. 2010-Jan. 2013
Investigation of the Ion-Neutral Coupling Processes in the Equatorial F-Region
Funding Source: NASA
Aug. 2010-Aug.2014
Monitoring Outlet Glacier Mass Balance and Dynamics with Low Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems
Funding Source: NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship
Sept. 2008-Aug. 2012
Collaborative Research: A Consortium of Resonance and Rayleigh Lidars (CRRL)
Funding Source: NSF
Nov. 2011-Oct. 2016
Neutral Atmospheric Density Interdisciplinary Research (NADIR)
Funding Source: AFOSR
Aug. 2007-Aug. 2012
Atmosphere-Space Transition Region Explorer (ASTRE)
Funding Source: NASA
Aug. 2011-Jan. 2019
Electrical Connections and Consequences within the Earth Systems (ECCES)
Funding Source: NSF
Sept. 2011-Sept. 2016