Projects directories
Projects directories are large storage areas for active data analysis. This is not an archive. If you need somewhere to store inactive data for a long period of time, please contact Steven Hart.There are no specific quotas set on projects directories. This is not an invitation to load up a specific project directory with as much data as possible! Here's the rule of thumb for using space on projects. If the total project directory size is under 1 Terabyte, you are free to proceed and enjoy. If over 1 Terabyte, I want to know how much room you need before you load the data. This helps me manage the projects space so it's fair to all CCAR users.
Mounting Projects to Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux based OS's
As part of an effort to make working with projects data easier, CCAR users can directly mount the projects directories to your personal Windows, Mac, or Linux systems. The mount will only work with the following restrictions:Windows 10
Make sure Reconnect at login is checked
Make sure Use different credentials is also checked.
Also, make sure you check the box so that windows remembers your credentials.
You should now see the project mounted under the Network Location section.
Mac OS X
Also check the box to remember your password.
You should now see a new window open showing your projects directory.
chmod 0600 ~/.smbcredentials
// /MOUNTPOINT/PROJNAME cifs credentials=/home/USERNAME/.smbcredentials,uid=UID,gid=GID,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
Where UID is your UID on the CCAR systems
Where GID is the GID for the specific project on the CCAR systems
Please email Steven Hart to obtain the correct UID and GID
USERNAME is your username on your local system/laptop/desktop.
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