Thayer Research Group

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Overview of Thayer's Research Activities

The research conducted by this group involves remote sensing instrumentation development and data analysis, with science applications generally geared toward earth and space physics. Below is a list of the current projects our group is involved in.

Current Research Projects

Investigation of Baroclinic Disturbances in the Polar Wintertime Middle Atmosphere

Funding Source: NSF

Jan. 2010-Dec. 2014

Thermosphere Density Response to a Geomagnetic and Solar Forcing: A Consequence of the Unique Conditions of the Current Solar Minimum

Funding Source: NASA

Jan. 2010-Jan. 2013

Investigation of the Ion-Neutral Coupling Processes in the Equatorial F-Region

Funding Source: NASA

Aug. 2010-Aug.2014

Monitoring Outlet Glacier Mass Balance and Dynamics with Low Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems

Funding Source: NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship

Sept. 2008-Aug. 2012

Collaborative Research: A Consortium of Resonance and Rayleigh Lidars (CRRL)

Funding Source: NSF

Nov. 2011-Oct. 2016

Neutral Atmospheric Density Interdisciplinary Research (NADIR)

Funding Source: AFOSR

Aug. 2007-Aug. 2012

Atmosphere-Space Transition Region Explorer (ASTRE)

Funding Source: NASA

Aug. 2011-Jan. 2019

Electrical Connections and Consequences within the Earth Systems (ECCES)

Funding Source: NSF

Sept. 2011-Sept. 2016