Thayer Research Group

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June 22-28, 2013

PhD students Katrina Bossert, Katelynn Greer, Vicki Hsu, Xianjing Liu, and Greg Lucas presented posters and gave talks at the CEDAR workshop in Boulder, CO.

April 5, 2013

CU aerospace PhD student Steve Mitchell successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Steve!

January 28, 2013

Professor Thayer participated in a Congressional Caucus on Space Technology on Capitol Hill. Click here for video.

February 21-25, 2012

Professor Thayer and graduate student Katelynn Greer travel to Kyoto, Japan to present their research at the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Workshop

February 19-25, 2012

PhD student, Steve Mitchell, travels to Kona, Hawaii to attend and present his research at the AGU Chapman conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle

January 12-28, 2012

PhD student Katrina Bossert traveled to the ALOMAR facility in Norway to operate the Na wind and temperature lidar directed by CoRA scientist, Biff Williams

January-February 2012

PhD student, Ryan Neely, travels to the South Pole to participate in a measurement campaign and scoping out possibilities of a new lidar deployment

October 22, 2011

Prof. Thayer submits his promotion package to the department for review to full professor